Lord Stow’s Portuguese Tarts – Macao

A quick post from my Asia collection…

1 Rua Do Tassara, Coloane
Town Square, Macao

Craving for egg tarts, I looked through some of my HK / Macao photos and realised I had not yet posted (among many other posts) about Macao’s infamous Portuguese Tarts. Macao rule #1 (an adaptation from an age old Chinese saying): if you go to Macao and you don’t have some of Lord Stow’s Portuguese Tart, then you really haven’t been to Macao. I must’ve had at least 5 in the one sitting…

Despite the out-of-the-way location, many people still flock to the original store for the best Portuguese tarts in Macao. The lines are invariably long, people leave with hands full with boxes of tarts. Andrew Stow’s philosophy continues to be in effect with the highest possible quality in each tart – each must have the right amount of caramelisation with yellow hues of custard peeking through the char black, whilst the puff pastry is just the perfect thickness.

Technically speaking these Portuguese tarts aren’t purely Portuguese (as with many things “asian-ified”) – they have both an English and Chinese touch to them. The custard has a delicious syrupy element with each bite of velvety smooth custard which they say is more “eggy” than its original Portuguese version – love it! And, the oh-so buttery pastry just crumbles in the mouth. Heaven!!!

Caution: please remember to let cool slightly, especially when they are piping hot from the oven!

Rating: yummy+2. I would fly there right now to have some!

You may also like: Best egg tarts in HK.

10 Responses to “Lord Stow’s Portuguese Tarts – Macao”
  1. Regardless of them hot or cold, they taste good. I bought like one dozen to bring back to the hotel for breakfast. Not the healthiest thing to do, but I’m not going to return to Macau any sooner, so yeah.

    Leaving for HK today. 😀

  2. Celeste says:

    Why for so far! These look so so good! =(

    One day, I’ll make it to Macau. One day.

  3. OMG…. how I miss the real deal. I usually have half a dozen of this when I head back to Asia.

  4. michelle – one dozen for breakfast??? insanity + BRAVO! … LOL

    celeste – it wouldn’t be far if i LIVED in asia… hrmph

    penny – indeed indeed. too bad doesn’t look like i’ll be heading back to macao anytime soon…especially since my list of to “go” countries is almost as long as my to eat at wishlist.

  5. Hannah says:

    I can’t decide which is more evocative… your photos or your description! I want a Portuguese Tart so terribly right now 🙂

  6. Agnes says:

    Sigh. I’ve never been to Macao then, because when we were there we didn’t eat ANY portugese tarts. WTF?! I meant to eat at least one, but then we walked past all the shops and I completely forgot about it! ARGH what was I thinking??

  7. Elliot says:

    I’m grateful you did send me your link. The Portuguese egg tarts in your pic’s look exactly like the ones we had at Madeira and tasted as great as your description. Secondly I glad you are in Melbourne so you can go and try them out for yourself.
    I will be in HK in May but doubt that I’ll get to Macau. If I do I’ll head straight for Lord Stow’s.

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  • Food RATING scale

    Unpleasant: damn upset my desire to eat

    Average: palatable but many shortcomings

    Yummy: a pleasant experience

    Yummy +1: mouth-watering like rain

    Yummy +2: exquisite flavours that hit all the right notes

    Divine: sheer culinary perfection!

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